Aspects of Age

Natural remedies for health

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When I get older, losing my hair

Age is just a number. What you feel about it is entirely up to you. That doesn’t, of course, mean that you don’t have crow’s feet or bingo wings, or look nostalgically at that body in the bikini. 

It does mean that  there are things you can do to ward off many of the effects of aging

There’s a line in a Simon and Garfunkle song – Old Friends – that goes ….how terribly strange to be seventy.

You don’t actually  have to be seventy to find it strange that you’re no longer 18. When did barristas start calling you madam not miss?

You don’t feel any different than you did 20 years ago. And that of course is the point, we can truly be as old as we feel. There’s an astonishing video of a ballerina performing at more than 80 yoa.. Yes, she looks wrinkly, but fair dos, she certainly isn’t letting age stop her doing what she loves – and BTW what keeps her young.

So how can we all keep ourselves fit, healthy and youthful as we Pass through the Portals of Time?


I’m still writing this page – please come back and visit it again soon

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